Scotty | colour

Thankful for Happy Accidents?

“Never work with children or animals”.  W.C. Fields

W.C. was known for his curmudgeonly persona and his words have often proven true.  Children and animals have their own energy that can completely hijack the best of plans.

A  Refinemark photo shoot seemed to prove the point.

Adding to our series of Journal entries about gratitude and thanks, Refinemark is deeply grateful for the many friends who have generously shared their time, opinions, talents and even their homes.  Susan is one such friend who graciously opened her beautiful home to us as a back drop to photo shoots featuring our products.

Not only did she allow us free rein on moving furniture and arranging her personal possessions as props for the shoot, the daily routine of her little Norfolk terrier Scotty was also disrupted on our account.

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Scotty sauntered in and sat down in the centre of the shot.  And he smiled.  We called and coaxed to the best of our abilities.  Stubbornly, Scotty held his pose and continued to smile.  The only solution was to take the picture and later crop him out.  The moment the shot was taken, he moved back out to the porch where he spent the rest of the day.  His moment was over.

When our photographer sent us the proofs we were stunned to realize that the Scotty shot was perfect.  His presence demonstrates the surprise and adventure behind our brand.  What a happy accident!

Of course, our next photo shoot featured Scotty and he performed brilliantly.

Yes, we are thankful for happy accidents.

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