
The Write Tool for the Job

You wake from a thrilling dream or suddenly, the solution to a nagging problem springs to mind, how do you capture those thoughts?  Do you call a friend or run to your lap top?  Call me crazy but my first response is to reach for a pen and some paper.  Transferring your thoughts and discoveries to paper is a hugely significant act that defines us as humans. To be honest, I cannot think or problem solve without a pen or pencil in my hand.  With a writing tool, the switch between my brain and the rest of the world is quietly turned on.  Of course, I appreciate my computer but my first choice in tools is a writing instrument.

Writing tools are connectors.  They connect us to our primitive past and propel us into a future built on experience, dreams and ideas.  At their most basic, a writing instrument is a tool that incises fine precise lines or marks into a surface and holds fast a thought or idea.  It could be a sharpened stone scraping against a cave wall, or soot blown through a reed like those in the Grotte du Pech-Merle in the Dordogne in France.  As crude as those marks are, they stop us in our tracks many thousands of years later and connect us to the people who made them.  The marks that remain today reach out to us, sharing what was important in their lives.  Want to go deeper into the cave?  Paleography delves into the history and development of handwriting.

Driven by our need to express ourselves and communicate, we have created a growing array of writing tools: bits of charcoal, reed pens, brush pens, quill pens, and dip pens .   Modern contributions to the writing tool box include the fountain pen, ball point, roller ball and ceramic tip pens.  Each tool has its advantages, some practical and some purely aesthetic.  The quest for a tool that creates a smooth, controllable line continues as new tools for specific writing and drawing task are patented. Writing tools will always be an essential component of civilization. Write on.
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There is no lighter burden,nor more agreeable, than a pen. – Petrarch.

image source: Wikipedia

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