Dear me 2

Dear Me!

I’ve tried jogging through the park, long showers and even ironing to unlock my creativity but the solution I seek continues to evade me.

So now I am using a particular tool to extract all the creative juices at my disposal.  With fountain pen in hand I am writing myself a letter.  Dear me …

The process of writing a letter to yourself is definitely a journey of discovery.  Like many journeys there is an element of risk  but the results can be exhilarating.  This letter is for your eyes only so take the plunge and be candid.   Your letter might reveal a forgotten talent or the answer to a long buried question.

A “Dear me” letter can provide that essential pivot in perspective.  Spin the clock ahead and write from the future to yourself now.  What do you need to say?  What do you need to hear?

The experience can be like looking through a kaleidoscope.  Something unpredictable happens when you twist the cylinder: the bits of glass and beads move from a chaotic scramble to crystal clear perfection.  Try writing a letter to yourself and see if it moves you from a frustrating problem to an “a ha” solution.

With loving regards,


Writing is not just a process of creation.  It is also a process of self discovery. Cristina Istrati

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